Friday, September 9, 2011

Pet Grooming Tips to Make Hair Brushing Your Pet Easy

Pet grooming, especially for long haired pets can be quite a chore. If you're like most owners, you love your pet but hate having pet hair here, there and everywhere. A slight arresting goes a long way. Start with a quarterly grooming. The more you brush your dog or cat, the less pet hair you'll have to clean from carpets, rugs and furniture. Long-haired animals should be brushed daily and short-haired animals once a week.

1. When choosing a dog or cat, keep in mind that animals with long or silky coats will require quarterly daily grooming. Some dogs, such as Poodles, Bichon Frises, and Bedlington Terriers, do not shed at all, but do need to be clipped on a quarterly basis. Smooth-coated cats and dogs are the easiest to groom. All you need is a comb or a grooming mitt.


2. quarterly grooming is easiest when you get your pet accustomed to brushing from an early age. You can do this in one of two ways: using brushing as a therapeutic tool or make it a game. Either way, grooming becomes an opportunity to bond with your pet as well as a easy way to keep your home from being overrun with pet hair. It's also a good time to check for fleas and ticks.
3. If you select to make brushing a game, your goal is to get your pet excited about being brushed so that at last just finding the brush will bring your pet running to you. Start with short sessions. With brush in hand, ask in a happy voice, "Do you want to get brushed?" Stroke your pet with the brush and then say, "Good boy!" Repeat the stroking a few times and use the word "brush" to help your pet connect it with the activity. Slowly lengthen the sessions.
4. Alternatively, you might opt to use brushing as a therapeutic tool, particularly if your pet is not used to quarterly grooming. Wait until your pet is in a comfortable, relaxed state and then alternate stroking with your hand and stroking with the brush. Speak in calm, soothing tones to reassure the animal. If your pet gets agitated, stop brushing, revert to stroking with your hand, and try again someone else day.
5. Before brushing, run your hands through your pet's coat from back to front to massage the skin and loosen dead hairs. This massage will help to stimulate and distribute natural oils in the skin, which gives a healthy shine to the coat. Then use the type of grooming that is best qualified to your pet which can be a brush, comb or mitt to brush your pet from head to tail. Don't forget to brush the underbelly and also between toes and pads which can regain small stones, chewing gum and other debris. To avoid scraping your pets' skin, try not to press too hard with a wire slicker brush.
6. If you come across matted hair, first hold the matt close to the skin. Next insert the end tooth of the comb into the matt and try working the matt loose. If you find this isn't possible you might want to cut out a matt so you don't cause your pet any unnecessary discomfort. After your pet is matt-free, comb down to the skin. Remember to comb or brush your dog against the lay of the coat.
7. To brush a long-haired cat, start by combing your cat's belly and legs with a wide-toothed comb, untangling any knots you might find. Then brush its body fur all over in an upward motion from scalp. Make a part down the middle of your cat's tail and brush out the fur on Either side.
Pet grooming can be a normal daily routine. It'll be much easier when your pet finds it enjoyable; you'll have less hair to clean up on carpets rugs and furniture.
Pet Grooming Tips to Make Hair Brushing Your Pet Easy
Thanks To : FURminator Coupon

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